Here you can find links to the training material of each FCB session, which can be either lectures, seminars or practicals. Clicking the title of the session will go to the web page of the session, by default. The bottom right icons may have additional material for that session such as another web page (), a Github directory (), an R or R-markdown document (), or a PDF file ().

  • Lecture 1
    Welcome to FCB.   
  • Lecture 2
    The Unix file system and the command line.   
  • Lecture 3
    Version control and social coding.   
  • Practical 1
    The Unix file system, explore file contents, redirect terminal output and how to create a GitHub profile.   
  • Practical 2
    Text files, redirecting terminal output to a pipe, extracting rows and columns, sorting rows, remove consecutive duplicated lines, counting consecutive occurrences and pasting columns.   
  • Lecture 4
    Programming with Python (1).   
  • Practical 3
    Version control with Git and Github.   
  • Practical 4
    Running our first Python programs on the computer.   
  • Lecture 5
    Programming with Python (2).   
  • Practical 5
    Practising Python programming and taking arguments from the command-line.   
  • Practical 6
    Implement Python scripts that parse DNA FASTA files for different purposes.   
  • Lecture 6
    Programming with data: the R language.   
  • Seminar 4
    Get started with R and RStudio.   
  • Practical 7
    Use R to work with dates and factors and visually explore data.   
  • Lecture 7
    Data manipulation and plotting with R.   
  • Lecture 8
    Markup languages.   
  • Practical 8
    Use R to work with lists and explicit and implicit looping, while learning a few more plotting functions.   
  • Lecture 9
    Reproducibility with literate programming.   
  • Lecture 10
  • Practical 9
    Markdown and HTML.   
  • Practical 10
    Develop reproducible analyses with R Markdown.